Thursday, September 09, 2010

Pastor Terry Jones is a Coward

Pastor Jones from Gainsville Florida has sounded a rallying cry against Islam in his profound and lamentable ignorance. He plans on staging a Qoran buring rally on September 11, 2010. Jones believes that the now renamed Park 51 Place Muslim Community Center, formerly called Cordoba House is an affront to the September 11 Memorial which is under construction at Ground Zero.

Pastor Jones and his congregation burning one-thousand Qoran's on September 11, is not a defiant act against what he perceives to be a tyrant religion, but at best an act of cowardice, and no matter which way you look at it, an act of sacrilege. He and his church's actions will endanger the lives of US troops overseas. The troops will be the ones to suffer the worst of the consequences for Pastor Jones burning the Qoran. The fact that he thinks this is a defiant act is beyond me. There is nothing brave, or profound about this. It is disrespectful, bitter, hate-filled vitriol. Jones and his congregation will not face the worst of the consequences. They will not have to face the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, and pretty much all other Muslims. He will not have rocket-propelled Grenades launched at him. He will not be shot at, or have fire bombs hurled at his vehicle. Muslim people overseas will not understand Freedom of Speech that is written in the Constitution. They will see a hateful American man descrating a Muslim Holy Book, as representative of American Sentiment because he has the right to do so. He will not have to endure what will happen to the troops overseas if he goes through with this.

That terrifies and shakes me to my core in a way that words fail to truly express. The most concise and articulate thought I can state is "Pastor Terry Jones is a coward."

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