Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emotional Outbursrsts and Productivity

I will begin first by expressing my unsurprised disappointment with Senate not passing the Defense Authorization Bill. As Rachel Maddow stated "Republicans, your culture war is showing." Because the Republican Party did not want to have to deal with anything which would deal with the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell(DADT) Policy, the filibustered the whole bill. Politicians cited a whole multitude of reasons why they voted No on SB 3454, but I am a little bit more taken aback by Sen. McCain blatant denial in an interview after the session denying that DADT is not used to witch-hunt homosexual soldiers out of the military, despite that Air Force Major Mike Almy was discharged under DADT for that specific reason. I think I will cease that rant there.

Correlating with my disappointment has been, in my opinion, an alarming rate of art production. Yesterday I had primed several canvases for making something interesting, or maybe inane and un-pretty. I have now before me three recently finished artworks, two of which I intend on exhibiting in November.

This past weekend, I also purchased two particle board panels. It has been one of my artistic wants to have a kitschy collage board, which I intend on making into a 4.5'-5' tall room divider. I will eventually purchase the a third panel so that this project has the base and stability to stand on its own. In the mean time. I will begin adhering different images which I find fascinating and pretty to the panels. Hopefully, it will look like the inside of an old record store with hundreds of images that have been pasted up and taken down over years. It will not necessarily have that aged look, but hopefully a similar aesthetic.

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