Sunday, May 30, 2010

Potentially harsh week, coming right up

I have a show to set up for Tuesday, a Mural to finish and install Wednesday, and students to herd and showcase on Thursday. Friday I can collapse into a couch with a cocktail in hand. Hopefully. And somewhere in all this, I have to schedule a job interview.

This is going to be fun!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Artsy List of things I want Checking something off

I am in the process of painting an 18" wide section of wall which will become my magnetic wall. That means I have one less time on my list of artistic decorative acquisitions.

Veteran Portrait

I have been doing some work with the Vet Art Project in Chicago. One of the artists, Jeanine Hill-Soldner who I had worked with before at a previous Vet Art Project Meeting, asked me as well as several other veterans if We would like to pose for a portrait series she has been working on. How could I say no. Seriously. We exchanged information, and she will be getting in touch with me about when I can drive up to Crystal Lake to pose and have my picture painted.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Student Achievements - Mural Project

My students are working on a 84" by 84" mural which they designed everything for, proposed to the principal for permission to install. I had given them a time line of two weeks, which at first, my students were protesting as "not enough time". They have been working on this for 3 days and may very well finish today. I really have no clue what I am going to do with my students next week if they finish the mural so quickly.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Working Dilema

So my current work arrangement will be concluding in three weeks. I am on the job hunt for something else at the moment, and some of the job offers have longer career potential. My supervisor has told me that both the school, and his supervisor like my work, and my work ethic. They would love to have me back next year. I would love to be back next year. In spite of the fact that sometimes the students drive me toward a certain special kind of relaxation techniques of questionable health implications for my liver, I am quite happy with myself at the end of the day. If I end up with a job at a place like Starbucks, going back to the After-school Program job, won't be a big issue. However if I land something with greater long term potential, I will have to part ways. I guess that is the choice, I don't want to have to make.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Artsy List of things I want

I have already successfully converted the awkward space in my closet into an awesome bookshelf/workspace/desk area
As far as other things I want in my living space
-A room, or closet or something painted in the style of Keith Haring.
-A Magnetic wall I can use as a bulletin board to post all my post cards and pretty clippings without punching holes in the wall, and show off my snarky magnets
-A wall, or panel of collaged images of all the magazine clippings I have from pretty much everything.
-A wall which has a salon style display of copious artwork, mine or otherwise.

Thus far, the magnetic wall is the closest thing I have to achieving next on my list. I just need to de-clutter the wall I intent to paint.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Reconnecting with blogger

By virtue of google having their paws in almost everything internet, I have dug up and dusted off this old nag of a blog. I had started this back when I was in Baghdad Iraq, but generally -e-mail and my livejournal account became my most prolific, and now most well documented blogging.

In the past 5 years since I first started this blog, I have finished college with a BFA in Art Education, gotten out of the military, grown my hair and a beard, Donated said hair once and am growing another batch, and am teaching an after school art program because the the economy fellates and I can't get a regular teaching job because they are being cut cross country.