Sunday, February 17, 2013

This has me on the verge of tears, and I am not sure if I will be able to stop if I break.

The Veteran's Affairs department as whole in the United States is striving up there as a spectacularly epic national embarrassment and shame. Veterans have to wait as much as 15+ months to hear whether or not they will receive treatment for their claim. There is a backlog of claims that is years long, and hundreds of thousands claims high. All this in gratitude for those who fight for our purported freedom... you know... if you still buy into that fairy tale. But still, the established promise we pay lip service to is that if you served in the military, you were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and we as a nation are in your gratitude. So why are there as many if not more than 22 veterans per day committing suicide, and 53 veterans dying per day waiting for their claim to be processed? Why is it that some veterans will make the impossible choice of committing suicide? I have no personal connection to Mr. Young, but I am emotionally devastated, and beyond ashamed at the United States.

Imagine for a moment that at your workplace, every day, there were 75 people dying off every day. It doesn't have to be your workplace, it could be your neighborhood How would you cope?

I feel such an acute pain of the betrayal this embodies by people who lionize and extol the virtues of our military service members, send us to war and then ignore us. My faith in the purported values of the nation is shaken to it's core. There is no excuse for this, and no amount of remarkable success stories which can overshadow this. This is damning and verges on the unforgivable.

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