Monday, August 29, 2011


I lament to say, I think I am turning into one of THOSE Vegetarians. You know the type. they are preachy, and snobbish. Well, maybe not preachy, but definitely snobbish about what I eat. I have found myself rather disenchanted by my parents offering me pizza and semi-innocently saying "you can just pick out the sausage", or making beef or chicken stew and loading it up with extra vegetables "so that you can eat, son". I appreciate their effort.
I do!
But... picking out the meat in a dish kind of defeats the purpose. I have not yet figured out how to articulate why being offered meals like that irks me. It simply does. It's like doing one squat and saying you work out 5 days a week. But in grumbling about the misguided efforts by my family of celebrated omnivores at accommodating my decision to go vegetarian, I feel like I am being the kind of vegetarian which pisses ME off. The preachy, better-than-thou vegetarian, often vegan. Which I do not want to make a sweeping generalization about vegetarians or vegans. There are some very nice vegetarians and vegans out there! They post encouraging things for the struggling recently converted vegetarians like myself! I just don;t want to be this preachy self-absorbed douchebag about my dietary choices, though in an omnivorous and malnourished nation like ours.... you kind of have to in order to eat.

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