Friday, July 09, 2010

Arguably against my better judgment

A documentary recently caught my attention. "Restrepo" is a feature length documentary about a 15 man platoon located in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan. It chronicles the boredom and terror that is war in conditions which very few people in the United States have to deal with, lest imagine. It is brutal and honest, and does not include the opinions and thoughts of anyone not at Restrepo. My experiences with the military can be described as "blessed" as best. I did deploy, but did not have to deal with as much crap as other soldiers. In the proverbial, implied contest of "who had it worse" I will lose to nearly any other veteran. However, I know people who did have to deal with harsher realities of war. I know what it did to them, and as a result I can empathize and relate maybe a tad well. I may not know what they went through, but I can relate. I know the movie will be fascinating and well worth it, but... do I actively seek the heartache?

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